The Right’s Rose-Colored Glasses for Epstein 2.0: Part 1

The fixation that many right-wing voters have for obvious child grooming sex traffickers needs to be examined. First examined, then swiftly and decisively eradicated. What I am referring to is their support for the infamous red-pill brothers, Andrew and Tristan Tate. Some of my readers know exactly who I am talking about, but for those who don’t, let me briefly summarize them.

What they were most known for.

Andrew and Tristan Tate used to be kickboxers, with not-so-notable records. Andrew, the older brother, has a better fight history, but it’s been said that his record is padded. “Padded” is a word for fighters who are purposefully put up against the lowest rank opponents frequently to bolster their record.

Andrew ended up as a house guest during the 2016 season of the UK’s Big Brother, but was booted early after a video of him beating a former girlfriend of his became public. It tarnished his image, but he and the girl (who was an adult by that time) from the video came out stating it was consensual. Fast-forward to now, and it has been confirmed that the girl was around 14-15 years old when the video was recorded. Andrew himself is one of the people who confirmed that the video was from 2012.

Minors cannot consent. Right? It’s a mantra that many right-wingers have chanted, almost on repeat, when aiming their ire at woke leftists who attempt to create gender-confused children. Anyway, back to the Tates. The brothers, realizing their fighting careers were not generating wealth as quickly (or enough) as they’d hoped, decided to enter the webcam business. As the story goes, they started gathering up their multiple girlfriends from around the world for this new business “venture.” The idea was to get them comfortable with the idea of performing nude on camera. They chose to move to Romania to run their business, and according to internet history they had been putting girls nude on camera up until they were arrested in late 2022. The Tates also created something Andrew called the “Pimping Hoes Degree” (PhD), an online course they sold to maybe thousands of men by now. Andrew Tate recorded video lessons teaching boys and men how to pair up with their most trusted girl to ply prospective women with alcohol during recruitment, how to warm them up to the idea of creating porn, how to get women to fall in love with them, how to transport them to their desired location, how to control their internet access while cutting them off from outside support, how to monitor their every move, how to fraudulently pay them far less than promised, and how to keep them generating as much income as possible.

Sound like human trafficking? Because it is.

In the United States, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 defines sex trafficking as “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. (22 U.S.C. Section 7102(11)(A)).” This has consistently been the internationally agreed-upon definition of the phrase for a quarter century now. And that is what the Tates brothers are on trial for in Romania.

The way sex trafficking is depicted by Hollywood is not the only type. Kidnapping off the street, buying victims from someone, chaining them in cages are the behavior patterns that people picture when they think of trafficking. However, a common type that’s not often shown in media is the “romeo” or “loverboy” method. As Emmaline Soken-Huberty writes on the Human Rights Career website, “While the media often portrays sex traffickers as dangerous strangers, most sex trafficking victims know their abusers. In fact, many believe they are in a romantic relationship. Known as the “Romeo” or “lover boy” method, this type of exploitation involves a trafficker grooming and manipulating a victim into an intimate relationship. The relationship may seem normal at first, but soon, the trafficker manipulates their victim into sex exploitation. Threats of blackmail and violence are also used to keep victims trapped.”

The one who “didn’t kill himself.”

By now it’s hard to talk about this subject without thinking of the notorious creep himself, Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein, with the help of Ghislaine Maxwell, would frequently recruit (without physical force I should add) and transport minor teen girls to his home so they could provide him with private massages. They were nudged to perform sexual acts to and for him, and would get paid for their “services.” They were sometimes told to perform these acts with people who visited Epstein’s island. Of course, as most of us know, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell before he made it to trial. Epstein had never been sentenced because he died before his case was heard in court. Keep that in mind when you hear defenders of the Tate brothers parroting the “I believe in due process” or “if they were really guilty, they would have been sentenced” phrases.

The obvious reason to talk about Epstein is to highlight the similarities between him and the Tate brothers. During Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial it was confirmed that her and Epstein’s youngest victim was 14.

As mentioned above, in 2012 the age of one of Andrew’s ex-girlfriends was around 14-15. He would have been turning 26 on December 1st of that year, making their age gap 10+ years. It has also been noted in Romanian court documents that the Tate brothers would often have teenage girls as young as 16 years old at their parties.

Which brings me to the main point of this article. Why are there so many right-wing and centrist influencers cozying up to these obvious child groomers?

Legitimate ignorance vs outright lying propaganda.

The first case against the Tates was opened in December, 2022. A metaphorical mountain of evidence was gathered, for this case alone, before it was officially opened. The mountain is the metaphor, but the amount of evidence being used is real and vast. It includes witness statements, chat room discussions, text message exchanges, CCTV footage, social media posts and interviews, etc. Why haven’t they gone to trial yet? In any average case it always takes time as defendants often seek every “out” or bargain they can get. This is what’s happening with the Tates. The U.S. lawyer representing them, Joseph D. McBride, Esq., is helping them to stall for as much time as possible using various appeal tactics. The Tates have a team of lying propagandists (students from their War Room, journalists, influencers, etc.) who help them to falsely spin every case update online. At this point the Tates have lied to the public at least 3 times stating that “the case was dismissed” or “thrown out.” Most recently what happened was the case was sent back to prosecutors to fix procedural irregularities before presenting it back to the judge.

Since I’ve been following this case for over a year, I know more about it than the average right-wing voter. It doesn’t surprise me when those I personally know are clueless about the details. What does shock me, however, is when famous (and semi-famous) personalities engage in positive chatter about the Tates online. These don’t just shock me; they actually irritate me a little. Mostly because these are people who sell themselves as Christian, Conservative, well-read, high-IQ, ethical, or principled; or all the above. To put it bluntly, these are people who should know better than to ally with obvious child grooming sex traffickers. And not only so, but defending the Tates makes them look even worse. Why? Because these guys are an obvious psyop! A “psyop,” or psychological operation, is a tactic used to confuse the masses and dupe them into behaving or thinking certain ways. The Tates are not a psyop in the “just a distraction from something more sinister,” way. They are a psyop in the, “this is a trap that right-wing people are falling for, and the left is going to use it against them eventually,” sense.

Maybe the psyop isn’t obvious, so I’ll explain that too. Anyone who is talking positively to and about the Tates right now is bound to smart for it in the future. How so? Consider the in person and online discussions about Epstein. Everyone wants to know who all is “on the list.” Because knowing that means knowing the names of famous people who are connected with human trafficking. In the same vein those who are being chummy with the Tates right now are stupidly risking their reputations, livelihoods, political aspirations, etc. Some of these folks might be truly ignorant of the facts, but a good many have no real excuse. They are journalists, podcasters/commentators, politicians, filmmakers, and/or attorneys with teams of researchers at their disposal. An unfortunate trend I have witnessed is that a lot of them have “MAGA” and “go Trump” in their bios. Some even have direct lines of access to #47 himself. In the follow-up article to this one I will be supplying the names of these people along with links and screenshot receipts. I want you, my reader, to be informed about the behaviors of these folks. If they won’t distance themselves from these bad hombres, perhaps we need to distance ourselves from their content and products.