January 24th, 2024 was a monumental day, indeed, for the state of Ohio. On this day the Ohio Senate followed through on the overriding of Governor DeWine’s ignorant veto. Listeners of The LION tribe may recall our video coverage of Ohio’s HB 68, the Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act, sponsored by Representative Gary Click. According to The Ohio Press Network the law goes into effect 90 days from passing and it included the “Save Women’s Sports” Act which prevents men from playing against women in athletics.
When the bill was being discussed, State Senator Kristina Roegner stated the following, “There are men and there are women. There are boys and there are girls. And they are different. While it is possible to identify as anything you want, it is not possible for a man to become a woman or a woman to become a man. And here’s something else, gender is not fluid.”
These are elementary truths that should not have to be stated in a room full of grown adults. But in our 2024 progressive-infested sociopolitical world, apparently it must be done. Those of us with functioning moral compasses must literally encode reality into law because if we don’t, the Marxists, Communists, Socialists, LGBTQetc. folks, and woke-sters of all stripes will harness state power for their own wicked purposes.
In an official statement by Representative Click, put out after the override, he stated, “I feel confident that Governor DeWine acted from his heart.” As well-intentioned as the Governor may have been, God had something to say about the heart through the prophet, Jeremiah.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
Jeremiah 17:9
Thankfully, while there is breath in our lungs and a conscious mind, God allows us much space to repent. Let us hope Governor DeWine repents of the evil acts he defended through his veto.
Later in Representative Click’s statement he wrote, “I will always be grateful to the families who have suffered so much harm for choosing me to be their advocate in the legislature to challenge the system and create the safeguards necessary to prevent further victims of harmful, ideologically driven medical interventions. The SAFE Act literally saves adolescents from experimentation and will return our institutions to the evidence-based medicine that they should have never forsaken.”
The brave de-trans activist, Chloe Cole, has firsthand experience as a victim of the pseudoscientific practices that are euphemistically called, “gender-affirming care.”
Chloe was present for this Senate override and had many kind words for the Ohio legislature. She rightly pointed out that, “It is far from over…” and spoke of her hope that the rest of the nation will follow suit. I share her hope. If conservatives are truly committed to protecting the children of this country, then they need to be persistent and relentless in this fight.
I speak directly to my fellow Christians when type this last part…by the grace and power of God the youth of this nation WILL be protected from this evil that has targeted them. It is an evil disguised as compassion and love. Let us continue to walk as children of the Light and continue to reprove the works of darkness that are so prevalent all around. Let your light so shine. Oh yeah, and…
Be bold as lions!