Hey West Virginians! Remember that time when Republican Delegates John Hardy, Roger Hanshaw, Don Forsht, Heather Tully, William Anderson, Jordan Bridges, Moore Capito, Wayne Clark, Roy Cooper, Vernon Criss, Joe Ellington, Dana Ferrell, John Paul Hott, Charlie Reynolds, Clay Riley, Matthew Rohrbach, Joe Statler, Erika Storch, Steve Westfall, Mark Zatezalo and those other Republicans decided that unborn lives are worth killing for votes? The Republicans had enough of a majority in WV to accomplish a total ban on abortion in the state. And they failed this simple task spectacularly. Talk about Proverbs 28:1…”The wicked flee when no man pursueth…” Murdering babies is a wicked and abominable practice.
It’s a regressive and foul thing.

NEVER make the mistake of voting for a candidate just because they call themselves “pro-life” or Republican. Look at their past voting records instead. Those who supported this used the excuse of their female relatives…wives, daughters, sisters, nieces. They got all up in their feelings and let their emotions overrule logic and morality. They showed their underbellies to the enemy when they did this.

Notice the phrasing they use to soften the blow. They talk about offering “options” to women and girls who become pregnant through violent or incestuous practices. They’re clever enough not to explain what they mean by “options.” To put it plainly, they want women and teen girls to continue to have the ability to hire doctors to destroy the lives inside their wombs. As if murdering babies is going to somehow heal or erase the trauma.
A so-called, “Pro-Lifer,” that believes in exceptions for abortion is not Pro-Life at all. Killing an unborn baby is killing a baby. What’s the difference between a Pro-Choicer and a “Pro-Lifer” who allows for exceptions? The difference is the gestational ages of the unborn lives they’re comfortable with sacrificing. And yes, sacrificing is the appropriate term here.
While generally the word “sacrifice” applies to people who are capable of making the conscious decision to lay down their lives, it’s fitting to acknowledge the historical significance. Child sacrifice is nothing new. Remembering the barbaric practices of Aztecs, Incas, Celts, Mayans, Babylonians, etc. we can see that humans have chosen various idols to sacrifice their children to. Apply that to modern-day political candidates and you’ll realize the idols, the false gods, they choose to give America’s unborn lives to. To wealth, popularity, accolades, and votes. Politicians play the game to stay in office.
“Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen.”
Deuteronomy 27:25
We cannot talk about Pro-Choice Republicans without mentioning the WV PAC called, “West Virginians for Life.” After all, they had an influential hand in getting some of those Republicans re-elected. This PAC disgracefully endorsed most of these Pro-Choice candidates. Why would they do that? They’re playing the game too, it seems. On their website they explain some of their tactical ways of choosing to endorse. The problem lies in the fact that they sometimes wind up endorsing Pro-Choice candidates in the end. They’re just choosing to endorse lesser Pro-Choicers over greater ones. Anyone who’s truly Pro-Life would just NOT endorse a single candidate in a district where two competing Pro-Choicers are running.
“For when they had slain their children to their idols, then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it; and, lo, thus have they done in the midst of mine house.”
– Ezekiel 23:39
We don’t support that here at The LION tribe. We believe all innocent human life is sacred. Including those conceived by rape or incest. Maybe in some twisted upside-down world it would be acceptable to murder an innocent person as punishment for what someone else did. But how’s about we let God decide which innocents live or die, rather than taking matters into our own hands?